
SD root で Raspbian を使う


SDカードに Raspbian 1) を導入して使用してみます。 Debian ベースですので、






SD カードを rootfs とするために、SD カードを下記フォーマットで初期化します。

fdisk での partition 作成

Linux の PC で fdisk により partition を作成します。 “/dev/sdd” の部分は、環境により異なります。

ubuntu ~ # fdisk /dev/sdd

コマンド (m でヘルプ): p

ディスク /dev/sdd: 2002 MB, 2002780160 バイト
ヘッド 4, セクタ 2, シリンダ 488960, 合計 3911680 セクタ
Units = セクタ数 of 1 * 512 = 512 バイト
セクタサイズ (論理 / 物理): 512 バイト / 512 バイト
I/O サイズ (最小 / 推奨): 512 バイト / 512 バイト
ディスク識別子: 0x00000000

デバイス ブート      始点        終点     ブロック   Id  システム
/dev/sdd1   *        2048     3911679     1954816    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)

コマンド (m でヘルプ): t
選択したパーティション 1
16進数コード (L コマンドでコードリスト表示): 83
パーティションのシステムタイプを 1 から 83 (Linux) に変更しました

コマンド (m でヘルプ): p

ディスク /dev/sdd: 2002 MB, 2002780160 バイト
ヘッド 4, セクタ 2, シリンダ 488960, 合計 3911680 セクタ
Units = セクタ数 of 1 * 512 = 512 バイト
セクタサイズ (論理 / 物理): 512 バイト / 512 バイト
I/O サイズ (最小 / 推奨): 512 バイト / 512 バイト
ディスク識別子: 0x00000000

デバイス ブート      始点        終点     ブロック   Id  システム
/dev/sdd1   *        2048     3911679     1954816   83  Linux

コマンド (m でヘルプ): w

ioctl() を呼び出してパーティションテーブルを再読込みします。
ubuntu ~ # 

Filesystem の作成

mkfs.ext3 コマンドで、ext3 filesystem を作成します。
inode の数が不足しないよう、“-i 4096” オプションをつけています。

ubuntu ~ # mkfs.ext3 -m 0 -i 4096 /dev/sdd1 
mke2fs 1.42.8 (20-Jun-2013)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
488880 inodes, 488704 blocks
0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=503316480
15 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
32592 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
	32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912

Allocating group tables: done                            
Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (8192 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done 

ubuntu ~ #

rootfs filesystem の展開

ダウンロード - MA-E2xx シリーズ から、Raspbian の rootfs archive をダウンロードし、SD カードに展開します。

ubuntu ~ # mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/sd/
ubuntu ~ # cd /mnt/sd/
ubuntu sd # tar axfp /PATH-TO-DOWNLOADED/mae2xx_sdroot_raspbian_20140825.tar.xz 
ubuntu sd # cd
ubuntu ~ # umount /mnt/sd

本体 Kernel の更新

Raspbian は、MA-E2xx 標準の 2.6.28.x Kernel では動作しませんので、3.2.x の Kernel に更新します。
ビルド済みイメージファイルを SD カードの中に同梱してありますので、それを書き込みます。


まず、DIPSW-1 を On にして、本体 FlashMemory のファームウェアで起動します。
起動したら、root で login します。

This is MAE2xx.unknown_domain (Linux armv6l 11:54:05

MAE2xx login: root
MAE2xx ~ # 

作成した SD カードの mount

さきほど作成した SD カードを挿入し、mount します。
/home ディレクトリに Kernel のイメージファイルがあることが確認できます。

MAE2xx ~ # mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/sd/
MAE2xx ~ # cd /mnt/sd/
MAE2xx sd # ls home/user1/
MAE2xx sd #

Kernel の更新

flashcp コマンドで、本体 FlashMemory の Kernel を更新します。

MAE2xx sd # flashcp -v home/user1/uImage-3.2.62-MAE2xx /dev/mtd3 
Erasing blocks: 20/20 (100%)
Writing data: 2551k/2551k (100%)
Verifying data: 2551k/2551k (100%)
MAE2xx sd # 


更新が完了したら、DIPSW-3 のみ On (SD カード rootfs) に変更し、再起動します。

MAE2xx sd # reboot

Broadcast message from root@MAE2xx (ttymxc2) (Mon Aug 25 11:57:41 2014):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Rapbian での起動


[....] Cleaning up temporary files.... ok 
[....] Setting up ALSA...done.
[....] Setting up X socket directories... /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.ICE-unix. ok 
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
[info] Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 2.
[....] Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd. ok 
[....] Starting periodic command scheduler: cron. ok 
[....] Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd. ok 

Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 raspbian ttymxc2

raspbian login:   



Kind Item Value Note
NetworkIP Address192.168.253.253
Account一般ユーザuser1 / (pw)user1sudo 可能
rootroot / (pw)root



| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                            Version                            Architecture Description
ii  adduser                         3.113+nmu3                         all          add and remove users and groups
ii  alsa-base                       1.0.25+3~deb7u1                    all          ALSA driver configuration files
ii  alsa-utils                      1.0.25-4                           armhf        Utilities for configuring and using ALSA
ii  apt                                   armhf        commandline package manager
ii  apt-utils                             armhf        package managment related utility programs
ii  aptitude                                        armhf        terminal-based package manager
ii  aptitude-common                                 all          architecture indepedent files for the aptitude package manager
ii  base-files                      7.1wheezy6+rpi1                    armhf        Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd                     3.5.26                             armhf        Debian base system master password and group files
ii  bash                            4.2+dfsg-0.1                       armhf        GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  binutils                        2.22-8                             armhf        GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
ii  bsdmainutils                    9.0.3                              armhf        collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
ii  bsdutils                        1:2.20.1-5.3                       armhf        Basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
ii  build-essential                 11.5+b1                            armhf        Informational list of build-essential packages
ii  bzip2                           1.0.6-4                            armhf        high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
ii  ca-certificates                 20130119                           all          Common CA certificates
ii  comerr-dev                      2.1-1.42.5-1.1                     armhf        common error description library - headers and static libraries
ii  coreutils                       8.13-3.5                           armhf        GNU core utilities
ii  cpio                            2.11+dfsg-0.1                      armhf        GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
ii  cpp                             4:4.6.3-8                          armhf        GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
ii  cpp-4.6                         4.6.3-14+rpi1                      armhf        GNU C preprocessor
ii  cron                            3.0pl1-124                         armhf        process scheduling daemon
ii  curl                            7.26.0-1+wheezy9                   armhf        command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
ii  dash                            0.5.7-3                            armhf        POSIX-compliant shell
ii  debconf                         1.5.49                             all          Debian configuration management system
ii  debconf-i18n                    1.5.49                             all          full internationalization support for debconf
ii  debianutils                     4.3.2                              armhf        Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii  diffutils                       1:3.2-6                            armhf        File comparison utilities
ii  dpkg                            1.16.15+rpi1                       armhf        Debian package management system
ii  dpkg-dev                        1.16.15+rpi1                       all          Debian package development tools
ii  e2fslibs:armhf                  1.42.5-1.1                         armhf        ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries
ii  e2fsprogs                       1.42.5-1.1                         armhf        ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities
ii  fakeroot                        1.18.4-2                           armhf        tool for simulating superuser privileges
ii  file                            5.11-2+deb7u3                      armhf        Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  findutils                       4.4.2-4                            armhf        utilities for finding files--find, xargs
ii  g++                             4:4.6.3-8                          armhf        GNU C++ compiler
ii  g++-4.6                         4.6.3-14+rpi1                      armhf        GNU C++ compiler
ii  gcc                             4:4.6.3-8                          armhf        GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.5-base:armhf              4.5.3-12+rpi1                      armhf        The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-4.6                         4.6.3-14+rpi1                      armhf        GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.6-base:armhf              4.6.3-14+rpi1                      armhf        GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-4.7-base:armhf              4.7.2-5+rpi1                       armhf        GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gnupg                           1.4.12-7+deb7u4                    armhf        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
ii  gpgv                            1.4.12-7+deb7u4                    armhf        GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool
ii  grep                            2.12-2                             armhf        GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
ii  groff-base                      1.21-9                             armhf        GNU troff text-formatting system (base system components)
ii  gzip                            1.5-1.1                            armhf        GNU compression utilities
ii  hostname                        3.11                               armhf        utility to set/show the host name or domain name
ii  ifupdown                        0.7.8                              armhf        high level tools to configure network interfaces
ii  info                            4.13a.dfsg.1-10                    armhf        Standalone GNU Info documentation browser
ii  initramfs-tools                 0.115~bpo70+1                      all          generic modular initramfs generator
ii  initscripts                     2.88dsf-41+deb7u1                  armhf        scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
ii  insserv                         1.14.0-5                           armhf        boot sequence organizer using LSB init.d script dependency information
ii  install-info                    4.13a.dfsg.1-10                    armhf        Manage installed documentation in info format
ii  iproute                         20120521-3                         armhf        networking and traffic control tools
ii  iptables                        1.4.14-3.1                         armhf        administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
ii  iputils-ping                    3:20101006-1                       armhf        Tools to test the reachability of network hosts
ii  ipython3                        0.13.1-2                           all          enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
ii  isc-dhcp-client                 4.2.2.dfsg.1-5+deb70u6             armhf        ISC DHCP client
ii  isc-dhcp-common                 4.2.2.dfsg.1-5+deb70u6             armhf        common files used by all the isc-dhcp* packages
ii  klibc-utils                     2.0.1-3.1+rpi1                     armhf        small utilities built with klibc for early boot
ii  kmod                            9-3                                armhf        tools for managing Linux kernel modules
ii  krb5-locales                    1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               all          Internationalization support for MIT Kerberos
ii  krb5-multidev                   1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        Development files for MIT Kerberos without Heimdal conflict
ii  lame                            3.99.5+repack1-3                   armhf        MP3 encoding library (frontend)
ii  less                            444-4                              armhf        pager program similar to more
ii  libacl1:armhf                   2.2.51-8                           armhf        Access control list shared library
ii  libalgorithm-diff-perl          1.19.02-2                          all          module to find differences between files
ii  libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl       0.04-2                             armhf        module to find differences between files (XS accelerated)
ii  libalgorithm-merge-perl         0.08-2                             all          Perl module for three-way merge of textual data
ii  libao-common                    1.1.0-2                            armhf        Cross Platform Audio Output Library (Common files)
ii  libao4                          1.1.0-2                            armhf        Cross Platform Audio Output Library
ii  libapt-inst1.5:armhf                  armhf        deb package format runtime library
ii  libapt-pkg-dev:armhf                  armhf        development files for APT's libapt-pkg and libapt-inst
ii  libapt-pkg4.12:armhf                  armhf        package managment runtime library
ii  libasound2:armhf                1.0.25-4                           armhf        shared library for ALSA applications
ii  libasound2-plugins:armhf        1.0.25-2                           armhf        ALSA library additional plugins
ii  libasyncns0:armhf               0.8-4                              armhf        Asynchronous name service query library
ii  libattr1:armhf                  1:2.4.46-8                         armhf        Extended attribute shared library
ii  libavcodec53:armhf              6:0.8.13-1+rpi1                    armhf        Libav codec library
ii  libavformat53:armhf             6:0.8.13-1+rpi1                    armhf        Libav file format library
ii  libavutil51:armhf               6:0.8.13-1+rpi1                    armhf        Libav utility library
ii  libblkid1:armhf                 2.20.1-5.3                         armhf        block device id library
ii  libboost-iostreams1.46.1        1.46.1-8                           armhf        Boost.Iostreams Library
ii  libboost-iostreams1.48.0        1.48.0-3                           armhf        Boost.Iostreams Library
ii  libboost-iostreams1.49.0        1.49.0-3.2                         armhf        Boost.Iostreams Library
ii  libboost-iostreams1.50.0        1.50.0-1                           armhf        Boost.Iostreams Library
ii  libbsd0:armhf                   0.4.2-1                            armhf        utility functions from BSD systems - shared library
ii  libbz2-1.0:armhf                1.0.6-4                            armhf        high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - runtime
ii  libc-bin                        2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u3                armhf        Embedded GNU C Library: Binaries
ii  libc-dev-bin                    2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u3                armhf        Embedded GNU C Library: Development binaries
ii  libc6:armhf                     2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u3                armhf        Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libc6-dev:armhf                 2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u3                armhf        Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files
ii  libcap2:armhf                   1:2.22-1.2                         armhf        support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
ii  libclass-isa-perl               0.36-3                             all          report the search path for a class's ISA tree
ii  libcomerr2:armhf                1.42.5-1.1                         armhf        common error description library
ii  libcurl3:armhf                  7.26.0-1+wheezy9                   armhf        easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour)
ii  libcurl4-openssl-dev            7.26.0-1+wheezy9                   armhf        development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour)
ii  libcwidget3                     0.5.16-3.4                         armhf        high-level terminal interface library for C++ (runtime files)
ii  libdb5.1:armhf                  5.1.29-5                           armhf        Berkeley v5.1 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii  libdbus-1-3:armhf               1.6.8-1+deb7u3                     armhf        simple interprocess messaging system (library)
ii  libdirac-encoder0:armhf         1.0.2-6                            armhf        open and royalty free high quality video codec - encoder library
ii  libdpkg-perl                    1.16.15+rpi1                       all          Dpkg perl modules
ii  libedit2:armhf                  2.11-20080614-5                    armhf        BSD editline and history libraries
ii  libept-dev                      1.0.9                              armhf        High-level library for managing Debian package information
ii  libept1.4.12                    1.0.9                              armhf        High-level library for managing Debian package information
ii  libexif12:armhf                 0.6.20-3                           armhf        library to parse EXIF files
ii  libexpat1:armhf                 2.1.0-1+deb7u1                     armhf        XML parsing C library - runtime library
ii  libexpat1-dev                   2.1.0-1+deb7u1                     armhf        XML parsing C library - development kit
ii  libffi5:armhf                   3.0.10-3+b3                        armhf        Foreign Function Interface library runtime
ii  libfile-fcntllock-perl          0.14-2                             armhf        Perl module for file locking with fcntl(2)
ii  libflac8:armhf                  1.2.1-6                            armhf        Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library
ii  libgcc1:armhf                   1:4.7.2-5+rpi1                     armhf        GCC support library
ii  libgcrypt11:armhf               1.5.0-5+deb7u1                     armhf        LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
ii  libgcrypt11-dev                 1.5.0-5+deb7u1                     armhf        LGPL Crypto library - development files
ii  libgdbm3:armhf                  1.8.3-11                           armhf        GNU dbm database routines (runtime version)
ii  libglib2.0-0:armhf              2.33.12+really2.32.4-5             armhf        GLib library of C routines
ii  libglib2.0-data                 2.33.12+really2.32.4-5             all          Common files for GLib library
ii  libgmp10:armhf                  2:5.0.5+dfsg-2                     armhf        Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii  libgnutls-dev                   2.12.20-8+deb7u2                   armhf        GNU TLS library - development files
ii  libgnutls-openssl27:armhf       2.12.20-8+deb7u2                   armhf        GNU TLS library - OpenSSL wrapper
ii  libgnutls26:armhf               2.12.20-8+deb7u2                   armhf        GNU TLS library - runtime library
ii  libgnutlsxx27:armhf             2.12.20-8+deb7u2                   armhf        GNU TLS library - C++ runtime library
ii  libgomp1:armhf                  4.7.2-5+rpi1                       armhf        GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
ii  libgpg-error-dev                1.10-3.1                           armhf        library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components (development)
ii  libgpg-error0:armhf             1.10-3.1                           armhf        library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components
ii  libgsm1:armhf                   1.0.13-4                           armhf        Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
ii  libgssapi-krb5-2:armhf          1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - krb5 GSS-API Mechanism
ii  libgssrpc4:armhf                1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - GSS enabled ONCRPC
ii  libice6:armhf                   2:1.0.8-2                          armhf        X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii  libid3tag0                      0.15.1b-10                         armhf        ID3 tag reading library from the MAD project
ii  libident                        0.22-3                             armhf        simple RFC1413 client library - runtime
ii  libidn11:armhf                  1.25-2                             armhf        GNU Libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications
ii  libidn11-dev                    1.25-2                             armhf        Development files for GNU Libidn, an IDN library
ii  libjack-jackd2-0:armhf          1.9.8~dfsg.4+20120529git007cdc37-5 armhf        JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
ii  libjpeg8:armhf                  8d-1+deb7u1                        armhf        Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library
ii  libjson0:armhf                  0.10-1.2                           armhf        JSON manipulation library - shared library
ii  libk5crypto3:armhf              1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Crypto Library
ii  libkadm5clnt-mit8:armhf         1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Administration Clients
ii  libkadm5srv-mit8:armhf          1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - KDC and Admin Server
ii  libkdb5-6:armhf                 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Kerberos database
ii  libkeyutils1:armhf              1.5.5-3                            armhf        Linux Key Management Utilities (library)
ii  libklibc                        2.0.1-3.1+rpi1                     armhf        minimal libc subset for use with initramfs
ii  libkmod2:armhf                  9-3                                armhf        libkmod shared library
ii  libkrb5-3:armhf                 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii  libkrb5-dev                     1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        Headers and development libraries for MIT Kerberos
ii  libkrb5support0:armhf           1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u2               armhf        MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Support library
ii  libldap-2.4-2:armhf             2.4.31-1+nmu2                      armhf        OpenLDAP libraries
ii  libldap2-dev:armhf              2.4.31-1+nmu2                      armhf        OpenLDAP development libraries
ii  liblocale-gettext-perl          1.05-7                             armhf        module using libc functions for internationalization in Perl
ii  libltdl7:armhf                  2.4.2-1.1                          armhf        A system independent dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool
ii  liblzma5:armhf                  5.1.1alpha+20120614-2              armhf        XZ-format compression library
ii  liblzo2-2:armhf                 2.06-1+deb7u1                      armhf        data compression library
ii  libmad0                         0.15.1b-7                          armhf        MPEG audio decoder library
ii  libmagic1:armhf                 5.11-2+deb7u3                      armhf        File type determination library using "magic" numbers
ii  libmount1                       2.20.1-5.3                         armhf        block device id library
ii  libmp3lame0:armhf               3.99.5+repack1-3                   armhf        MP3 encoding library
ii  libmpc2:armhf                   0.9-4                              armhf        multiple precision complex floating-point library
ii  libmpfr4:armhf                  3.1.0-5                            armhf        multiple precision floating-point computation
ii  libncurses5:armhf               5.9-10                             armhf        shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  libncursesw5:armhf              5.9-10                             armhf        shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
ii  libnewt0.52                     0.52.14-11.1                       armhf        Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang
ii  libnfnetlink0                   1.0.0-1.1                          armhf        Netfilter netlink library
ii  libnih-dbus1                    1.0.3-4.1                          armhf        NIH D-Bus Bindings Library
ii  libnih1                         1.0.3-4.1                          armhf        NIH Utility Library
ii  libogg0:armhf                   1.3.0-4                            armhf        Ogg bitstream library
ii  libopencore-amrnb0:armhf        0.1.3-2                            armhf        Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - shared library
ii  libopencore-amrwb0:armhf        0.1.3-2                            armhf        Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - shared library
ii  libopenjpeg2:armhf              1.3+dfsg-4.8                       armhf        JPEG 2000 image compression/decompression library
ii  liborc-0.4-0:armhf              1:0.4.16-2                         armhf        Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler
ii  libp11-kit-dev                  0.12-3                             armhf        Library for loading and coordinating access to PKCS#11 modules - development
ii  libp11-kit0:armhf               0.12-3                             armhf        Library for loading and coordinating access to PKCS#11 modules - runtime
ii  libpam-modules:armhf            1.1.3-7.1                          armhf        Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-modules-bin              1.1.3-7.1                          armhf        Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM - helper binaries
ii  libpam-runtime                  1.1.3-7.1                          all          Runtime support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g:armhf                  1.1.3-7.1                          armhf        Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  libpci3:armhf                   1:3.1.9-6                          armhf        Linux PCI Utilities (shared library)
ii  libpcre3:armhf                  1:8.30-5                           armhf        Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
ii  libpipeline1:armhf              1.2.1-1                            armhf        pipeline manipulation library
ii  libpng12-0:armhf                1.2.49-1                           armhf        PNG library - runtime
ii  libpopt0:armhf                  1.16-7                             armhf        lib for parsing cmdline parameters
ii  libprocps0:armhf                1:3.3.3-3                          armhf        library for accessing process information from /proc
ii  libpulse0:armhf                 2.0-6.1                            armhf        PulseAudio client libraries
ii  libpython3.2                    3.2.3-7                            armhf        Shared Python runtime library (version 3.2)
ii  libreadline6:armhf              6.2+dfsg-0.1                       armhf        GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
ii  librtmp-dev                     2.4+20111222.git4e06e21-1          armhf        toolkit for RTMP streams (development files)
ii  librtmp0:armhf                  2.4+20111222.git4e06e21-1          armhf        toolkit for RTMP streams (shared library)
ii  libsamplerate0:armhf            0.1.8-5                            armhf        Audio sample rate conversion library
ii  libsasl2-2:armhf                2.1.25.dfsg1-6+deb7u1              armhf        Cyrus SASL - authentication abstraction library
ii  libsasl2-modules:armhf          2.1.25.dfsg1-6+deb7u1              armhf        Cyrus SASL - pluggable authentication modules
ii  libschroedinger-1.0-0:armhf     1.0.11-2                           armhf        library for encoding/decoding of Dirac video streams
ii  libselinux1:armhf               2.1.9-5                            armhf        SELinux runtime shared libraries
ii  libsemanage-common              2.1.6-6                            all          Common files for SELinux policy management libraries
ii  libsemanage1:armhf              2.1.6-6                            armhf        SELinux policy management library
ii  libsepol1:armhf                 2.1.4-3                            armhf        SELinux library for manipulating binary security policies
ii  libsigc++-1.2-5c2               1.2.7-2+b1                         armhf        type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libsigc++-2.0-0c2a:armhf        2.2.10-0.2                         armhf        type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
ii  libslang2:armhf                 2.2.4-15                           armhf        S-Lang programming library - runtime version
ii  libsm6:armhf                    2:1.2.1-2                          armhf        X11 Session Management library
ii  libsndfile1:armhf               1.0.25-5                           armhf        Library for reading/writing audio files
ii  libsox-fmt-all                  14.4.0-3                           armhf        All SoX format libraries
ii  libsox-fmt-alsa                 14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX alsa format I/O library
ii  libsox-fmt-ao                   14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX Libao format I/O library
ii  libsox-fmt-base                 14.4.0-3                           armhf        Minimal set of SoX format libraries
ii  libsox-fmt-ffmpeg               14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX ffmpeg format library
ii  libsox-fmt-mp3                  14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX MP2 and MP3 format library
ii  libsox-fmt-oss                  14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX OSS format I/O library
ii  libsox-fmt-pulse                14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX PulseAudio format I/O library
ii  libsox2                         14.4.0-3                           armhf        SoX library of audio effects and processing
ii  libspeex1:armhf                 1.2~rc1-7                          armhf        The Speex codec runtime library
ii  libspeexdsp1:armhf              1.2~rc1-7                          armhf        The Speex extended runtime library
ii  libsqlite3-0:armhf              3.7.13-1+deb7u1                    armhf        SQLite 3 shared library
ii  libss2:armhf                    1.42.5-1.1                         armhf        command-line interface parsing library
ii  libssh2-1:armhf                 1.4.2-1.1                          armhf        SSH2 client-side library
ii  libssh2-1-dev                   1.4.2-1.1                          armhf        SSH2 client-side library (development headers)
ii  libssl-dev                      1.0.1e-2+rvt+deb7u11               armhf        SSL development libraries, header files and documentation
ii  libssl-doc                      1.0.1e-2+rvt+deb7u11               all          SSL development documentation documentation
ii  libssl1.0.0:armhf               1.0.1e-2+rvt+deb7u11               armhf        SSL shared libraries
ii  libstdc++6:armhf                4.7.2-5+rpi1                       armhf        GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii  libstdc++6-4.6-dev              4.6.3-14+rpi1                      armhf        GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
ii  libswitch-perl                  2.16-2                             all          switch statement for Perl
ii  libsysfs2:armhf                 2.1.0+repack-2                     armhf        interface library to sysfs
ii  libtagcoll2-dev                 2.0.13-1.1                         armhf        Functions used to manipulate tagged collections (development version)
ii  libtasn1-3:armhf                2.13-2                             armhf        Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
ii  libtasn1-3-dev                  2.13-2                             armhf        Manage ASN.1 structures (development)
ii  libtext-charwidth-perl          0.04-7                             armhf        get display widths of characters on the terminal
ii  libtext-iconv-perl              1.7-5                              armhf        converts between character sets in Perl
ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl           0.06-7                             all          internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
ii  libtheora0:armhf                1.1.1+dfsg.1-3.1                   armhf        The Theora Video Compression Codec
ii  libtimedate-perl                1.2000-1                           all          collection of modules to manipulate date/time information
ii  libtinfo5:armhf                 5.9-10                             armhf        shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling
ii  libtwolame0                     0.3.13-1                           armhf        MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library
ii  libudev0:armhf                  175-7.2                            armhf        libudev shared library
ii  libusb-0.1-4:armhf              2:0.1.12-20+nmu1                   armhf        userspace USB programming library
ii  libustr-1.0-1:armhf             1.0.4-3                            armhf        Micro string library: shared library
ii  libuuid1:armhf                  2.20.1-5.3                         armhf        Universally Unique ID library
ii  libva1:armhf                    1.0.15-4                           armhf        Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- runtime
ii  libvorbis0a:armhf               1.3.2-1.3                          armhf        The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (Decoder library)
ii  libvorbisenc2:armhf             1.3.2-1.3                          armhf        The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (Encoder library)
ii  libvorbisfile3:armhf            1.3.2-1.3                          armhf        The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (High Level API)
ii  libvpx1:armhf                   1.1.0-1+rpi1                       armhf        VP8 video codec (shared library)
ii  libwavpack1:armhf               4.60.1-3                           armhf        audio codec (lossy and lossless) - library
ii  libwibble-dev                   0.1.28-1.1                         armhf        Library of various useful C++ code
ii  libwrap0:armhf                  7.6.q-24                           armhf        Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii  libx11-6:armhf                  2:1.5.0-1+deb7u1+wheezy            armhf        X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-data                     2:1.5.0-1+deb7u1+wheezy            all          X11 client-side library
ii  libx11-xcb1:armhf               2:1.5.0-1+deb7u1+wheezy            armhf        Xlib/XCB interface library
ii  libx264-123:armhf               2:0.123.2189+git35cf912-1+rpi1     armhf        x264 video coding library
ii  libxapian-dev                   1.2.12-2                           armhf        Development files for Xapian search engine library
ii  libxapian22                     1.2.12-2                           armhf        Search engine library
ii  libxau6:armhf                   1:1.0.7-1                          armhf        X11 authorisation library
ii  libxcb1:armhf                   1.8.1-2+deb7u1                     armhf        X C Binding
ii  libxdmcp6:armhf                 1:1.1.1-1                          armhf        X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
ii  libxext6:armhf                  2:1.3.1-2+deb7u1                   armhf        X11 miscellaneous extension library
ii  libxi6:armhf                    2:1.6.1-1+deb7u1                   armhf        X11 Input extension library
ii  libxml2:armhf                   2.8.0+dfsg1-7+wheezy1              armhf        GNOME XML library
ii  libxmuu1:armhf                  2:1.1.1-1                          armhf        X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
ii  libxtst6:armhf                  2:1.2.1-1+deb7u1                   armhf        X11 Testing -- Record extension library
ii  libxvidcore4:armhf              2:1.3.2-9                          armhf        Open source MPEG-4 video codec (library)
ii  linux-libc-dev:armhf            3.2.51-1+rpi1                      armhf        Linux support headers for userspace development
ii  login                           1:                        armhf        system login tools
ii  logrotate                       3.8.1-4                            armhf        Log rotation utility
ii  lsb-base                        4.1+Debian8+rpi1+deb7u1            all          Linux Standard Base 4.1 init script functionality
ii  make                            3.81-8.2                           armhf        An utility for Directing compilation.
ii  makedev                         2.3.1-92                           all          creates device files in /dev
ii  man-db                          2.6.2-1                            armhf        on-line manual pager
ii  manpages                        3.44-1                             all          Manual pages about using a GNU/Linux system
ii  mawk                            1.3.3-17                           armhf        a pattern scanning and text processing language
ii  mime-support                    3.52-1                             all          MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
ii  minidlna                        1.0.24+dfsg-1                      armhf        lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems
ii  mount                           2.20.1-5.3                         armhf        Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
ii  mountall                        2.46                               armhf        filesystem mounting tool
ii  mtd-utils                       1:1.5.0-1                          armhf        Memory Technology Device Utilities
ii  multiarch-support               2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u3                armhf        Transitional package to ensure multiarch compatibility
ii  nano                            2.2.6-1                            armhf        small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico
ii  ncurses-base                    5.9-10                             all          basic terminal type definitions
ii  ncurses-bin                     5.9-10                             armhf        terminal-related programs and man pages
ii  ncurses-term                    5.9-10                             all          additional terminal type definitions
ii  net-tools                       1.60-24.2                          armhf        The NET-3 networking toolkit
ii  netbase                         5.0                                all          Basic TCP/IP networking system
ii  netcat-openbsd                  1.105-7                            armhf        TCP/IP swiss army knife
ii  netcat-traditional              1.10-40                            armhf        TCP/IP swiss army knife
ii  openssh-blacklist               0.4.1+nmu1                         all          list of default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys
ii  openssh-blacklist-extra         0.4.1+nmu1                         all          list of non-default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys
ii  openssh-client                  1:6.0p1-4+deb7u2                   armhf        secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines
ii  openssh-server                  1:6.0p1-4+deb7u2                   armhf        secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines
ii  openssl                         1.0.1e-2+rvt+deb7u11               armhf        Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools
ii  passwd                          1:                        armhf        change and administer password and group data
ii  patch                           2.6.1-3                            armhf        Apply a diff file to an original
ii  pciutils                        1:3.1.9-6                          armhf        Linux PCI Utilities
ii  perl                            5.14.2-21+rpi2+deb7u1              armhf        Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
ii  perl-base                       5.14.2-21+rpi2+deb7u1              armhf        minimal Perl system
ii  perl-modules                    5.14.2-21+rpi2+deb7u1              all          Core Perl modules
ii  pkg-config                      0.26-1                             armhf        manage compile and link flags for libraries
ii  plymouth                                        armhf        Graphical Boot Animation and Logger
ii  procps                          1:3.3.3-3                          armhf        /proc file system utilities
ii  python3                         3.2.3-6                            all          interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version)
ii  python3-decorator               3.3.3-1                            all          simplify usage of Python decorators by programmers
ii  python3-dev                     3.2.3-6                            all          header files and a static library for Python (default)
ii  python3-minimal                 3.2.3-6                            all          minimal subset of the Python language (default python3 version)
ii  python3-pip                     1.1-3                              all          alternative Python package installer - Python 3 version of the package
ii  python3-pkg-resources           0.6.24-1                           all          Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
ii  python3-setuptools              0.6.24-1                           all          Python3 Distutils Enhancements (setuptools compatibility)
ii  python3-simplegeneric           0.8.1-1                            all          simple generic functions for Python3
ii  python3.2                       3.2.3-7                            armhf        Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.2)
ii  python3.2-dev                   3.2.3-7                            armhf        Header files and a static library for Python (v3.2)
ii  python3.2-minimal               3.2.3-7                            armhf        Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.2)
ii  raspbian-archive-keyring        20120528.2                         all          GnuPG archive keys of the raspbian archive
ii  readline-common                 6.2+dfsg-0.1                       all          GNU readline and history libraries, common files
ii  rsyslog                         5.8.11-3                           armhf        reliable system and kernel logging daemon
ii  sed                             4.2.1-10                           armhf        The GNU sed stream editor
ii  sensible-utils                  0.0.7                              all          Utilities for sensible alternative selection
ii  sgml-base                       1.26+nmu4                          all          SGML infrastructure and SGML catalog file support
ii  shared-mime-info                1.0-1                              armhf        FreeDesktop.org shared MIME database and spec
ii  sox                             14.4.0-3                           armhf        Swiss army knife of sound processing
ii  sudo                            1.8.5p2-1+nmu1                     armhf        Provide limited super user privileges to specific users
ii  sysv-rc                         2.88dsf-41+deb7u1                  all          System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
ii  sysvinit                        2.88dsf-41+deb7u1                  armhf        System-V-like init utilities
ii  sysvinit-utils                  2.88dsf-41+deb7u1                  armhf        System-V-like utilities
ii  tar                             1.26+dfsg-0.1                      armhf        GNU version of the tar archiving utility
ii  tasksel                         3.14.1                             all          Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems
ii  tasksel-data                    3.14.1                             all          Official tasks used for installation of Debian systems
ii  tcpd                            7.6.q-24                           armhf        Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
ii  traceroute                      1:2.0.18-3                         armhf        Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
ii  tzdata                          2014e-0wheezy1                     all          time zone and daylight-saving time data
ii  udev                            175-7.2                            armhf        /dev/ and hotplug management daemon
ii  util-linux                      2.20.1-5.3                         armhf        Miscellaneous system utilities
ii  vim-common                      2:7.3.547-7                        armhf        Vi IMproved - Common files
ii  vim-tiny                        2:7.3.547-7                        armhf        Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version
ii  wget                            1.13.4-3+deb7u1                    armhf        retrieves files from the web
ii  whiptail                        0.52.14-11.1                       armhf        Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
ii  x11-common                      1:7.7+3~deb7u1                     all          X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
ii  xauth                           1:1.0.7-1                          armhf        X authentication utility
ii  xml-core                        0.13+nmu2                          all          XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support
ii  xz-utils                        5.1.1alpha+20120614-2              armhf        XZ-format compression utilities
ii  zlib1g:armhf                    1:1.2.7.dfsg-13                    armhf        compression library - runtime
ii  zlib1g-dev:armhf                1:1.2.7.dfsg-13                    armhf        compression library - development
Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.